
Invent Tomorrow

Corveye develops projects and businesses that give people the mindset to create change.

We believe that every person can Invent Tomorrow, the world exists in a realm of infinite possibility, and that mindset is the key to everything.

We create media, training, events, products, and community to help people create a better version of themselves and the future that they desire.

We also partner with businesses with a similar purpose to create.

In Our Name, In Our DNA

Our name reflects the core alignment of purpose.

Corveye is from the Latin word corvi, meaning raven.

We chose this word as an ode to the ravens of the Norse God Odin. The mythology states that Odin had two ravens, Huginn (thought) and Muninn (memory).

One raven would travel world gathering information. The other would decipher it.

Corveye aims to gather the wisdom of the world, then combined with our own experience and modern tools, deliver it to the world.


We specialize in strategic alignment of vision and execution. We utilize this specialty to birth our projects and to advice others.




Our Founder

Aaron McCarthy our founder and operator.

© Corveye, LLC 2020